Rewalk Group is focused on the development of an advanced neural interface rehabilitation system designed for patients with impaired motor functions. This system seeks to integrate electronic devices with artificial intelligence and biomedical technologies, with the ultimate goal of substituting or restoring the functionalities of the human nervous system, thereby facilitating motor recovery in patients. The implementation of intelligent neural interface technology necessitates bidirectional interaction between the human nervous system and electronic devices. This technology encompasses, on one hand, the acquisition and decoding of human neural signals via sensors, translating the user’s intent into control signals for electronic devices in an intuitive and seamless manner. On the other hand, it involves the transmission of commands that emulate neural impulses through electronic devices to elicit motor responses, thus bridging the gap between the user’s intent and their physical capabilities.


In additon,rewalk group also focus on developing intelligent human-machine interaction hardware system based on electronic circuit technology, user intent recognition algorithm based on artificial intelligence technology, and embedded or upper computer software development for related hardware and algorithms. Our research primary focus is the combination of industry, academia, and research, emphasizing the practical implementation of hardware systems.


课题组的关注领域 The main research topics are as followed:

    • Artificial Spinal Cord: Implantable artificial spinal cord and artificial nervous system for paralyzed patients, as well as peripheral assistive rehabilitation systems.

    • 人工脊髓:专注于为瘫痪患者研发植入式人造脊髓与人造神经系统,以及外周辅助运动康复系统。

    • Human-Machine Interaction: Smart human-machine interaction system based on user intent recognition, including neural prosthetics and exoskeletons, virtual mice, drone flight, motion-sensing games, etc.

    • 人机自然交互:通过使用用户意图识别技术,创建智能人机交互系统,如神经义肢与外骨骼、虚拟鼠标、无人机飞行、体感游戏等。


    • Biometric Authentication: Biometric authentication system based on neural biosignals.

    • 生物身份认证:基于神经生物信号开发身份认证系统。


    • Silent Speech Recognition: Silent language recognition system for non-verbal patients.

    • 无声语音识别:针对失语者开发无声语言识别系统(概念图)。

