Dr. Fumin JIA

加福民 博士

Associate Investigator

The Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Fudan University.


Dr. Jia has accumulated extensive expertise and experience in the field of neural regulation technology. Their academic journey began in 2017 with the successful completion of a doctoral degree at the esteemed National Engineering Laboratory of Neural Regulation Technology, located at Tsinghua University.


Following their doctoral studies, Dr. Jia pursued a postdoctoral research position from 2017 to 2020 within the same laboratory. Their primary research focus during this period centered on deep brain electrical stimulation and its implications for movement disorders, particularly freezing gait in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Jia successfully led two research projects supported by esteemed organizations, namely the National Natural Science Foundation and the Beijing Science and Technology Support Plan.


Dr. Jia’s contributions to the scientific community are noteworthy, with the publication of 10 notable papers in SCI-indexed journals, where they served as the first author. This scholarly work has been complemented by the acquisition of 17 domestic and international invention patents, including 3 patents in the United States. Dr. Jia’s achievements have been acknowledged with prestigious honors. Notably, as a core team member of the “Key Technologies, Systems, and Clinical Applications of Deep Brain Stimulation” project, they played an integral role in achieving first prize recognition at the renowned Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award in 2015. Additionally, Dr. Jia’s excellence was further affirmed by securing the first prize at the distinguished Chinese Biomedical Engineering Society’s Huang Jiasi Biomedical Engineering Award in 2015, as well as the prestigious National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2018.

以第一作者身份发表SCI论文10篇,国内外发明专利17项,其中美国发明专利3项。作为“ 脑起搏器关键技术、系统与临床应用”项目的核心团队成员之一,获得2015年北京市科技进步奖一等奖,2015年中国生物医学工程学会黄家驷生物医学工程奖一等奖,2018年国家科技进步奖一等奖

Dr. Chenyun DAI

戴晨赟 博士

Associate Professor (Tenure).

School of Biomedical Engineering, ShangHai Jiao Tong University


Since 2023, Dr. Dai has been conducting research at the School of Biomedical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, with particular focus on the fields of neural prosthetics/exoskeletons, artificial spinal cord, and medical robots. The central objective of this research is to leverage biomedical technology and electronic information, in conjunction with medical chips, to achieve functional replacement of human organs and facilitate patient rehabilitation. Over the past five years, Dr. Dai has authored more than 50 papers, 20 of which have been published in Q1 journals according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Moreover, he has overseen the execution of two national natural science foundation projects and two provincial projects. Notably, Dr. Dai has been bestowed with the prestigious titles of “Shanghai Overseas High-level Talent” and “Pujiang Talent”.


Dr. Dai’s research endeavors are marked by a pronounced emphasis on fostering integration among industry, academia, and research. These pursuits have yielded tangible outcomes, as his achievements have successfully materialized into several commercial prosthetic products, which have garnered media attention, including coverage on Boston TV in the United States. Furthermore, he has secured funding from Huawei’s Central Research Institute to develop the human-machine interaction module for Huawei smartwatches. Dr. Dai brings a wealth of experience to his role, having previously served the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, where he actively promoted government policies that embrace the integration of industry, academia, and research. His contributions have also been instrumental in shaping the formulation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” that outlines the advancement of leading scientific and technological industries in Shanghai.


Dr. Chih-hong CHOU

周志鴻 博士

Senior Engineer

Rewalk 高级工程师

Chou Chih-Hong received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Hwa Hsia University of Science and Technology in 2007, M.S. degree in Information Science from Taipei National University of Education in 2009 (co-supervised by the Department of Rehabilitation, Taipei Medical University), Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Taipei National University of Science and Technology in 2016, and postdoctoral fellowship at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, from 2017-2023. He is engaged in research related to neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation engineering. His current research focuses on how to apply intelligent technologies in rehabilitation, sensory and motor reconstruction using functional electrical stimulation, and methods for training and assessment in neurorehabilitation after a stroke.


Dr. Xiangyu LIU

刘翔宇 博士


College of Communication and Art Design, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

上海理工大学 工业设计系 讲师

Since 2021, Dr. Liu, a recent addition to the College of Communication and Art Design at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, has been actively engaged in “Peripheral Nerve Rehabilitation” and “Nature-Human Interaction.” His research focuses on integrating biomedical engineering advancements with industrial design to enhance peripheral nerve rehabilitation in patients. This integration includes studying neural prostheses/exoskeletons, artificial spinal cords, and human-machine natural interaction. Dr. Liu has significantly contributed to this field, with over 20 published articles in the last three years, including more than 10 in top-tier journals ranked by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They have also been involved in various research projects, including two funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and one provincial and ministerial-level research project sponsored by the Shanghai Rising Stars “Shanghai sailing program.”

2021年,刘博士入职上海理工大学工业设计系,致力于“外周神经康复”同“自然人机交互”的深度融合,包括神经假肢/外骨骼、人造脊髓、人机自然交互等研究,旨在将生物医学工程的进展同工业设计进行深度融合,以促进患者的外周神经康复。近三年发表文章20余篇 (中科院1区10余篇),参与国家自然科学基金2项,主持省部级课题1项(上海市启明星“扬帆计划”)。

Dr. Liu received the prestigious IF Design Award(2023,2024in recognition of his accomplishments.

IF设计奖得主 (2023年,2024年)。

Dr. Liu has shown a dedicated commitment to advancing the intricate fusion of industrial design and neural rehabilitation. His endeavors aim to achieve a profound synthesis of “industry, academia, and research” through innovative industrial design applications. Notably, he has contributed to the China-Europe Horizon Project, effectively aiding both regions in proactively addressing the pervasive global aging challenge.


Dr. Haoran REN

任浩冉 博士


School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

上海理工大学 健康科学与工程学院 讲师

In 2022, Dr. Ren was awarded a Doctoral degree from the School of Information Science and Techbology at Fudan University. Her research has predominantly centered on the interdisciplinary exploration of neural information processing and neural regulation, with the ultimate aim of deciphering the neural physiological and pathological information of the brain. Over the course of the past five years, the individual has contributed to the publication of more than ten scholarly articles, ultimately resulting in recognition through their selection for the prestigious Shanghai Yangfan Talent Program (Sailing Program) for the year 2023.
